

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Gain and Keep Self-Confidence

Everywhere we go we are surrounded by negative energy and things that remind us that we are not good enough, pretty enough and the list can go on. Here are some things that I follow that helped me gain as well as keep my self confidence.

Things to Live By

Have hope in faith no matter what religion or practice it is always good to have an outlet for hope and guidance. Hope in faith is what keeps you level headed and instills self morals and higher expectancy of others and their actions around you.

Know your worth for you are able to accomplish so many wonderful things. See that you are the master of your destiny and that although you may have hardships, they are there for you to over come themm and conquer your fear of giving up and being recognized to your fullest extent. See that you are intelligent, smart, creative, productive and reliable. If there are cracks in the mirror, see that you can eventually with work, mend them in time.

Upkeep those who look their best feel their best. Keep great hygiene, buy those sexy underwear and or even purchase that elegant dress you've had your eye on since FOREVER ! Get into the habit of eating better and getting more exercise. Working out helps relieves stress while increasing stamina ;) Try a style you've always wanted to try but had every excuse in the book not too. Looking fab and well put together will get you amazing compliments and help raise confidence. Remember you are doing this ALL FOR YOU any change that you make should be made on your terms. Impress your self !

Gods Gifts everyone has one and some are blessed enough to have up to 3+ talents and gifts. Only problem is people don't explore or just don't know about them because they are shy or unwilling to open up. Get into things that excite and or interest you. You might find that you have a talent you never knew about. Known talents should never be made sit to expire, but should be explored. Getting into your creative juices, can relieve stress and stimulate your brain positively. Give it a go!

Outgoing explore this vast planet and take chances. Meet people and connect to others of the same and different interest. Take little steps and progress. Don't be too judgemental.Don't assume an arguement as grounds to a lost friendship or a right away foe. People agrue point blank. Speak and express tastefully because a closed mouth and mind is often over looked. Be yourself and give your input on ideas. Never ever be a follower unless its for a good cause. People don't really respect simple-minded people. They are easy to manipulate and are often used as door mats; that's a "hell no."

Surround yourself with positive forces - what you give onto others is what your dealt back. Friends that value you and respect your thoughts and feelings are hard to come by, but they are out there. Surrounding yourself with positive energy will eliminate all stress of being someone your not, resulting in lowered self -esteem and resentment towards your actions in the long run.

Live and Learn we all mistakes and its better to reflect, find ways to improve and avoid that same situation and decision. Nobody is perfect but you must learn as so they won't be repeated again.

Forgive and don't forget forgive a wrong do-er but do NOT forget them and what they are capable of. You should never let anyone use you or treat you less than what your worth. That can lead to a steep path to low self esteem.

Morals have them. Everyone should stand for something. At the end of the day, nobody wants someone who has no standards for themselves and of others they closely surround themselves with.
"You are your own company"= true as gold!

Follow Through when you promise someone-FOLLOW THROUGH. I can't stress how good it feels to do something you said you would. So don't make promises you can't keep or can't meet. This goes as well with yourself. When you promise to never let another person take advantage of you 'see to it'. This also instills a higher self installment of worth and pride. Other's will find you reliable and have a higher respect to your word of bond.

Remember you create your own image of who you are. Believe and surrender yourself to a better you.



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